Family Friendly Post Serving Veterans and their Families
Our Veterans Photo Gallery
Our Veterans Photo Gallery
Jim Kruse, USN
Jim Kruse, USN
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Jose Tafoya, USA
Jose Tafoya, USA
Korean War
Korean War
Photo taken when Jose was 20 years old. He was a staff Sergeant.
Lee Bonney, USMC
Lee Bonney, USMC
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Lee was a marine.
Joe Gomez, USA
Joe Gomez, USA
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Joe was 24 years old when he joined.
Bernie Nielson, USAF
Bernie Nielson, USAF
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Boot camp picture taken at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX, August 1966.
Manuel Sais, USA
Manuel Sais, USA
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Manual was in the Army. He is currently the Post Chaplain.
Bob Armstrong, USN
Bob Armstrong, USN
Korean War
Korean War
While visiting Japan, this stray dog followed Bob all around the city.
Gary Williamson, USA
Gary Williamson, USA
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Gary is the Post's Service Officer
Paul Gomez, SR, USA
Paul Gomez, SR, USA
Desert Storm
Desert Storm
Paul was a communications specialist.
Harvey Nakayama, USA
Harvey Nakayama, USA
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Harvey was a bronze star recipient. He was a combat medic.
Steve Coca, USN
Steve Coca, USN
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Steve is the Post's Senior Vice Commander
Rob Trueblood, USA
Rob Trueblood, USA
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Rob was a bronze star recipient.
Frank Sommers, USA
Frank Sommers, USA
Korean War
Korean War
Frank is volunteer bartender at the Post.
Pat Downey, USA
Pat Downey, USA
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
This photo was taken in front of his mother's house the day he deployed. It was also his mother's birthday.
Benny Cordova, USN
Benny Cordova, USN
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Benny enjoys watching the Broncos games at the Post
Terry Thill, USN
Terry Thill, USN
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Terry was 17 when he joined. He was a sailor on the USS Hornet and Kitty Hawk. At one point his ship successfully retrieved a manned space capsule.
Joe Vigil, USN
Joe Vigil, USN
Joe was a crew member of the USS Aulick which was struck by 5 Kamikaze aircraft. Joe was thrown with schrapinel in his back. After 2 days in a liftraft, he was rescued and recovered from his injuries.
Reuben Gomez, USA
Reuben Gomez, USA
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Reuben was an artillery battery commander (captain).
Duane Johnson, USA
Duane Johnson, USA
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Duane is former District 1 Commander. He is currently the Post's Judge Advocate.
Dave Salazar, USAF
Dave Salazar, USAF
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
He was a Communications specialist working with the Army.
Alvie, USA
Alvie, USA
Korean War Era
Korean War Era
Alvie was a colonel.
Cory Asimus, USMC
Cory Asimus, USMC
Operation Enduring Freedom
Operation Enduring Freedom
Cory is the son of Dan Asimus, president of the Auxiliary.
Felix Martinez, USN
Felix Martinez, USN
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Felix is the father of Bernadette Sannino. Bernadette is the Auxiliary's Jr VP.
Trueblood, USN
Trueblood, USN
This photo taken in 1944. Member, Rob Trueblood's father.
Fred Valdez, USN
Fred Valdez, USN
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Photo taken on the USS Denver
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