Family Friendly Post Serving Veterans and their Families
Welcoming New Members!
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Post 5061 Auxiliary meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. Meetings are held at the Post. Stop by the Post and pick up a membership application today!
The VFW Auxiliary is one of the nation’s oldest veterans’ service organizations and our members are the relatives of those who have served in overseas combat. More than 490,000 members in nearly 4,000 Auxiliaries nationwide who volunteer millions of hours and fundraised millions of dollars for charitable projects that benefit veterans, military service personnel and their families.
2024-25 Auxiliary Officers
President - Sharon Ervin
Senior Vice President - Tim Gilmore
Junior Vice President - Bernadette Sannino
Treasurer - Janet Farris
Secretary - Kim Williamson
Chaplain - Joe Tafoya
Conductor - Lori McKinney
Sergeant at Arms - Roman Martinez
Trustee 1st Year - Tim Gilmore
Trustee 2nd Year - Charlotte Lattin
Trustee 3rd Year - Bob Johnson